Sunday, October 31, 2010

Terok dah ni~

U wud neva noe wat my heart looks like when I see ur smling face everyday.. And wud U noe how my heart looks like now? Uwid neva noe,coz U're too heppy..till wat I said u can't heard it anymore~

Dear bestie!
I love you so much!
Miss da moment where u n me share da laugh and tears tgether~ Haf u eva asked wat I feel? No,U neva~ Haf u eva asked me,wat I want at da moment we r tgethr? No,U neva~

Dear bestie!
I love you so much!
I miss you,I juz want u too be heppy wif da person dat can make u heppy.. I cn't do dat~ There's a lot dat I can't give to you like 'em can give~

It's a very gud decisions I've eva made~

Org oleh pertikai kn apa yg aku buat.. Org boleh sja ckp aku ni jahat.. Tp pernah tak org tnya aku apa yg aku rasa? Wat is my reasons? Jgn sbb aku sdri,aku disalahkn tnpa pernah diadili~
Aku jgak manusia yg pnya salah.. Jadi,sama2 fikir lah apa yg aku buat dan apa yg kau buat~ Aku punya salah aku~ Dan jika kau rasa kau tidak pnya salah,aku terima lah~ U noe urself better than I am~

Aku berserah hnya lah pada Nya~


P/S: MAAF lma xhupdate~ Examination week~ And MAAF ya,aku merepek! :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are [Official Video]

Dis is a nice song~ juz the way u're~ :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

21 Guns~

Dis song made me think of sumtink.. And I dunno wut it is.. But da feeling is warm and full of love.. It's feeling of laugh together or gud momentto in my life~ So guys,do enjoy dis clip... :)

p/s: Seriously I dunno watr it is...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


PTAR2~ It's our library.. Kami shared wif Law Faculty.. Anyway sorry to say xdak lah sehebat library kat UUM.. Hahahahah... Bdak UUM sahih bngga xdak dah ni haa.. Pagi2 xdak klas,tp sya mngkit awai uh... Kui 8.20 pgi...! Awai la sgt kn? kn? Nk join Ain, Alin p library lah kunun nya.. Bkn kunun lgi dah.. Kami mmg p pon.. Bkn la gila nya stdy sgt aku kat sna.. Bknn lah msok 100% pon apa yg duk bkak td tuh.. Tp bleyh dri xdak lgsong.. Kalo kat blik,aku mmg on9 & tidoq ja.. Kiqanya, lgi tqok la kalo duk bilek tu kn..

Msa tgah2 siap tu,dpt la idea nk tulis entri kat blog.. Hahahha... Nk tulis tros mcm dah xsmpat dah.. Nk kna punggai dgn Ain n Alin ka?? Hahahahha... Aku teringat la.. Apa yg diperlukan time nk p library.. Mcm kta p skulah,kta kna sediakan bku,beg,bekai waktu rehat... Kalo nk p library plak,kta kna jgak ada brg2 keperluan yg tersendiri kn? Kat sini aku nk senarai kn antara brg2 keperluan yg ptot ampa bwak ok?


(^.^) BEG..
1st kna la ada beg utok mudah ampa msok kn brg2 keperluan yg lain.. Lgi baguih kalo ampa bwak beg pack.. Dia memudah kn la.. Bak kta Lecturer aku, Pn AZLIN npak la skit gaya mcm student bkn nya Mak Datin nk bwak beg2 comei2.. Aku asa la kn,bwak beg apa pon ok ja kot.. Janji ampa selesa.. Aku ni lagi suka bwak beg pack.. Snang ada kat blkng... Aku xselesa bwak beg sblah bahu ja.. Asa cm senget lak bahu.. Sambung pasai brg2 bwak bila mau p library ya? Ampa ptot nya ltak brg2 keperluan lain dlam beg ampa.. Antaranya adlah buku.. Kalo dah nama pon p stdy,kna la bwak bku2 apa yg ptot.. Bku,slides note apa suma tu penting utok ampa bwak.. Kertas kajang ka,kot2 nk wat nota2 kecik tu.. Snang nk bwak ke hulu, ke hiliq! Alat2 stationary la kta kn.. Kna bgi complete.. Aku ni jenis xsuka nk kacau org.. Mana la taw kalo org tu tgah stdy baik pnya,tba2 ampa xdak hightliter p mntak kat mmber.. T terbantut apa yg dia duk baca,kumat kamit uh.. Kecian kat kwan uh..

SWEATER AIN... (Ok! tipu lagi!)

Ni yg pling penting ni.. Hahahhaha... Pkaian.. Kalo nk p library PTAR2 ni,jgn nk wat pala lupa pkai matrix card.. Malang x berbau ya kwan2.. Mana taw pak gad tu bwu pas kna mqah ngan anak dia pasai xbli PSP mcm LAN? Hihihiihih(Lan bez ah tu? Ada PSP??) Silap2 aqi bulan, pak gad tahan tnya, "Mna matrix card awak?" Nak muhung apa dah waktu tu? Pastu yg pling bez nya stdy kat PTAR2, ada aircond.. Umah aku xdak aircond.. Mna la aku mampu nk psng mendalah uh.. Kat blik kolej ni pon mna la ada aircond.. Bila ada aircond tobat sejok! So, kna pasti kn ampa sgt lah bersedia dgn keadaan cuaca musim salji kat sna nanti.. Winter spnjang zaman taw? Ampa jgan lupa pkai stoking.. Kalo yg kaler2 ada karton Upin Ipin lgi comei.. Hhahahaha! Pastu pkai la kasot.. Aku ni jenis xthan sejok.. Aku biasa nya akn bwak Sweater la p PTAR2 tu.. Kdng2 aku dah pkai bju dgn Cardigan pon aku akan bwak sweater jgak.. SOJOK MAK AIH!

(^.^) EARFON..
Aku mmg p PTAR2 niat nk study.. Tp,kdng2 tu ada jgak msa aku pnya otak dah tepu.. Bila otak aku dah tepu aku perlukan sdikit hiburan nk mencairkkn blik otak aku ni haa.. Aku kna la at least dgaq lagu2 yg aku suka.. Ampa jgak boleyh bwak PSP mcm Lan.. Xpon,ampa bwak ja Laptop mcm Amir.. Zmn la ni org byk dah ada MP3.MP4.. Aku cuma mapu phone sja.. Mp3 kat phone pon jdik lah~


(^.^) RM...RM..
Nak p stdy.. Tp bila perot duk wat tarian Zapin Pusaka x jdik jgak oih... Slalunya kami duk stdy kat PTAR2 ni stat kui 9 am smpai kui 5 pm.. Ni kqa waktu fixed kami la..(AKU,AIN,ALIN).. Pgi tu kami xmkn pon.. Tp mngikut Ain, dia akan mkn skit slpas Subuh.. Mcm roti ka? cm tu..utok memudah kn perjalanan otak.. Mengikut Proff Ain(AMINNN !), 2 jam lpas ktra mkn kta pnya otak akn mudah berfikir... Huhuhuhu... Bijak lah idean dan teori ni..! Ini disah kn oleh Dr. Fdilah Kamsah...!

(^.^) ENERGY..
Ni agak susah skit... Aku ckp tenaga ni bkn sbarang tenaga besa taw? Ampa kna crik la lm dri ampa.. Kalo nk ikot kn mmg susah woo aku nk mngkit pgi2.. Disaat rumates ku Izah tgah beradu comei nya.. Tu suma perlukn tenaga utok tepis pelukan jahat Syaitan.. Dia peluk aishhhh...! Kuat betoi.. Tp Alhamdulllillah.. Berjaya jgak aku.. Aku slalunya akn tidoq awai kalo niat esk nya tu nk mngkit p library.. At least aku akn tidoq selewat2nya kui 12 am.. Sama lah mcm AIN~

(^.^) KAWAN2 STUDY...
Ni bgi aku pon sgt l;ah pnting.. Kalo aku xdak kwan nk p PTAR2,aku mmg xp lah.. Duk kat blik keja duk mngadap laptop pastu on9 24/7.. Aku bersyukur la.. AIN sudi ajka aku p study kat PTAR2.. Sem lpas pon kami p PTAR2 jgak.. Tp sem ni lgi dasat lgi la.. Hhahahah... Kwan2 stdy aku ni AIN a.k.a BUDAK SUBANG, ALIN a.k.a. BUDAK MELAKAU,AMIR a.k.a. BUDAK KELATE,LAN a.k.a. BUDAK PEROK.. Yg slalu dgn aku AIN n ALIN laa.. Dak 2 org ag tu kdang xmai pong..

Akhir kta dari aku, SELAMAT STUDI EBERBODIH! La ni dah dkat kui 7 pm dah.. Sat lgi msok waktu Maghrib.. Mandi dak lagi.. Ok lah.. Daaa..

p/s: Aku ngantok! -.-

Monday, October 25, 2010



Disaat suma manusia2 klas BM 216 (3B) tgah mnghilang kn rsa penat,lelah,tepu otak mereka aku plak tgah hupdate blog.. Gila xdak reja aku ni kn? Kn? Npak cm cilake yg x reti2 nk tobat bwak2 p stud ka hapa ka kn? Hhahahahha... Who care? Aku kna lah update aku pnya Blog ni.. Kalo x sapa la yg tlg hupdate kn? Dah la x rmai yg lalu kat blog aku ni.. Wiwiwiwiw....
After our 1st paper,apa yg dpat aku kta kan kat sini adalah paper transport suma nya ok kot.. (wlaupon aku bwu ja jwab 1 paper tpt) wakakakk!!!

Aku jwab soalan paper transport and society td.. Aku rasa aku byk greng r... Dah paper tu mmg kna byk greng kot aku asa.. Lecturer pon sama an? Wakakkaka! Anyway antara soalan yg aku jwab td tuh adlah pasai rural transport pnya problems and ada la jgak dia mntak impacts,cm na nk atasi cm gitu la lbeh krng..

Apa yg nk aku kongsi kn adlah keadaan tpt yg ada kat KEDAH, negeri Jelapang Padi tmpat kelahiran aku ni haa.. Mmg tak di nafikan lgi lah tahap syg kn KEDAH dlmdri aku ni mmg laa tersgt mendalam la woi... Sapa yg x syg Negeri dia mmg tolol campuq bahlol! Wahahaha!! Sapa2 yg asa tu mkn cabai la kot noh? P mkn aiq cpat! kalo asa makin pdas, p mkn gula pasiq uh.. Cpat la! Duk tercengat wat pa g??


Hahahahha!! Ok dah? Baik kta smbung apa yg tertunggak td yaa.. Aku mmg dri kecik lgi guna Public tpt kat KEDAH tu.. Aku asa aku pling byk pngalaman kot? Pasaui public tpt kat KEDAH laa.. Kalo kat area2 central ni maw penin jgak la~ Hahahah.. Cnggih sgt woih!


Ckp pasai canggih ni la mslah utama nya wahai rakan2 ku skalian~ Kat KEDAH tu mna la ada LRT? MONORAIL? RAPID pon xdak chek oih! Mampoih la aku mai sni msa awai2 dulu2.. Kiqa nya bila dpt naik RAPID tu mcm culture shock la jgak.. Tmbah2 naik LRT,MONORAIL.. hahahaha... Mcm jakun pon ada..

Apa yg kurang nya Aloq Staq,my dear reader? (Cewah2..) Aloq Staq nadi aku.. ALoq Staq tmpat aku knal dunia ya! Kalo di toreh tgn aku ketika ini,mmg darah yg mengalir bkn MERAH.. Tp HIJAU KUNING weyh!!

Pnya la fanatik kn? Aku nk beza kn antara Public tpt kat KEDAH dgn CNTRAL~ Antara perbezaan nya adalah:


Kalo kat KEDAH tu,ampa nk naik bus,kna tgggu bus dia wujud smpai duk tggu dullu la.. Jrg sgt depa ada jadual yg btoi.. Kalo kat kwasan bndaq mmg ok skit la.. Kalo kat kg Tok aku tu,maw berjanggut ampa tggu buas taw dak? Ada la yg ikot timing.. Bus yg ikot timing ni slalu nya bus yg operator nya bru2.. Dan jgak yg bru nk knai keadaan perkhidmatan bus kat Aloq Staq.. Yg slalu ikot timing ni jgak semestinya Bus express ya rakan2 reader.. Mesti lah ikot timing hat tu, nka jln jouh n depa pnya customers jgak byaq mahai.. Awat nya?? RM 1.20 tu bkn dwit kah?? Kami hat perjalanan p Jitra pon penumpanhg jgak la woih! Duk gna dwit RM 1.20 ni jgak la duk byaq gaji drebar~ Hahahahahha... Upppsss! Terlebayh sudah...


Aku lebeyh fokus kan kat bus sbb bus ja lah public transport yg pling bergerak kat KEDAH nun dia.. Kalo nk kta LRT,MONORAIL.. Lgi la nk merapu.. Mana ada tu suma weyh.. Haa? Apa dia? TAXI? TEKSI? Apa tuuh? Xpnah dgaq pon.. Hahahaha... Lawak ja aih.. TEKSI mmg la wujud kat KEDAH tu.. Xdak la jakun smpai taqa tu aih.. Well,TEKSI kat sana aku akn cta ckiyt masa lagi.. Aku nk lbeyh fokus ke arah BUS..
Keadaan dlam bus kat KEDAH tu kalo nk habaq kat ampa,lagi trok dri keadaan bus SERANAS kat Shah Alam ni taw dak? Kusyen bus uh,koyak2 smpai npak span kuning tu pon ada.. Haaa...! Lecturer aku ada la penah sbot Bas Len Sheng.. Dia nama nya EN. Hafiz.. En. Hafiz ckp bus ni mmg bruk.. Hahahah... Dia ckp bus uh pnya kusyen,keadaan dia sgt triok.. Mcm aku ckp td r.. Kusyen terkoyak.. Conteng merata2.. Ali syg Abu.. CT belen.. Hhahahah.. Mcm2 ampa tulis kn? kn? Trok btoi la.. Ampa maw ka bdan ampa kna conteng lagu tuh? Skait mata mak cik2 yg naik bus tu la weyh.. Tobat2 lah..



Ampa asa bas kat KEDAH tu bau lgu mna? Kalo dah nama pon bas buruk bau pon buruk jgak la.. Kalo bau buruk sja xpa jgak ni bau masam ketiak dah mcm lori Smpah Bandaran pon ada taw? Ishhhhk2.. Sabaq ja la aku ni.. Naseb aku xdak keta ja aku pon naik bus ni.. Hahahaha... Aku mlas nk cta pnjang2.. Aku penat dah ni woi.. Dah r rumates aku pakat lena sdap ja.. Aku ni dah mcm m'ganggu depa lena plak habaq hng.. Kecian depa maw lena,duk dengaq aku pnya letuk2 keyboard.. Wakakak!


Konklusinya di sini tuan Hakim Yg Arif Lagi Bijaksana,sya ingin meningkat kan lgi taraf keupayaan Transport di KEDAH di antara yg terhebat dan baik.. Byk sbanqnya Transport dpt buat kat kta pnya negeri.. Bila trasnport hebat,pelancong suka,bila pelancong suka kita byk dpt dwit depa,bila kita dpat dwit depa kita boleh pulih kn sektor2 yg lain Yg Arif.. Hhahahahah... Amacam? Mahu ambik aku bekerja sbagi Transport Planner di Negeri Kedah Darulaman? Sila kn lah ya? :p

p/s:Aku xpham dgn dri aku apa yg excited sgt dgn course aku ni.. Tp aku yakin aku mampu sumbang kn sesuatu yg SGT BERGUNA buat pengguna transport di Negeri Aku~ Amiiiinnn~~

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Improvement of Bicyclists and Pedestrians Safety in Riverside County: Focusing on Environmental Contributing Factors to Bicyclists and Pedestrian Crashes

The Improvement of Bicyclists and Pedestrians Safety in Riverside County: Focusing on Environmental Contributing Factors to Bicyclists and Pedestrian Crashes


Kata ustazah,kalau itu xbgos.. Kita meragui takdir.. Kita kna percaya apa yg terjadi itu ada hikmah nya.. Kn? Tp kak long xkuat Ayah.. Kak Long mudah sgt.. Mudah keluar kn aire jernih itu dri mata ini.. Kak Long ni skit2 nk nanges.. Wlaupon benda tu xdak apa2 pon bgi org lain.. Kak long mudah sgt.. Kenapa Ayah? Kak Long mudah tersentuh bila tguk pak cik jual tisu kat CM.. Kak long mudah tersentuh setiap kli tguk crita2 keluarga bahagia yg lngkap ahli nya.. Kak long mudah tersentuh bila baca msg2 janji Ayah utok kak long.. Kak long mudah tersentuh bila Mak msg kak long crita pasai keadaan umah.. Kak long kenapa xsekuat Ayah? Ayah sgt kuat.. Ayah jga tok walaupon hati Ayah hncuq waktu tu.. Kenapa kak long xsekuat Ayah? Kenapa kak long nanges masa Ayah xdak aqi tu? Even masa Ayah eksiden aqi tu pon kak long nanges kuat sgt.. Alhamdullillah kak long mampu lalui ketiadaan Ayah dgn baik.. Kak long xmenanges kuat sbb kecian kan Ayah.. Ayah taw kn kak long syg Ayah sgt2.. Kak long syg Ayah tak dak kurang skit pon.. Ayah.. kak long kecian tguk Mak.. Adek2.. Sapa nk tlg bila kak long ada kat sini Ayah? Kak long tidoq x snang bila pkiq depa kat sna.. Mkn apa depa? Ada duit ka? Ada org duk kacau ka? Apa yg jdi kat depa bila kak long xdak kat umah Ayah? Kak long harap sgt pnjng umoq.. Dpt balas susah payah Mak.. Kecian sgt kat mak.. Ayah.. Ayah.. Ayah.. Rendu ni utok Ayah..

Buat Ayah yg direndui,Buat Suami yg dicintai,Buat Anak yg dinanti..

Saturday, October 23, 2010



Jason Mraz The Beauty In Ugly


Aku ada la bca sgt byk blog pgi ni.. (wlaupon slam ni lgi byk blog yg aku dah pon bca,tp pgi ni lain..)
Aku ada terbaca blog2 yg express their feeling towards their bez fren and bff and watsoever la lgi kn? Anyway,aku ada bca 1 blog ni, MR. K nya blog.. Dia ckp BFF is not exist.. Haahahahha... Aku x taw la weyh.. Kdng2 rsa cam ada.. Kdng2 asa cm bullshit pon ya jgak.. Sblom aku terlupa,aku pnya artikel ni bkn nk hentam mahupon semboq sapa2.. Aku tulis xdak kna mngena dgn sapa2 jgak.. Harap pham ya.. Ni utok yg b'kenaan yg bakal disebut nama nya shaja.. Iaitu mngikut tajok di atas..

Dalam blog yg aku bca td tuh, dia ckp la BFF ni kind of x relevan.. Aqi ni BFF,esk tetiba dah gado.. Mayb la kot.. Apa yg aku nk ckp is,aku bkn nya nk gado.. Tp aku mmg outspoken.. Ya lah.. Aku ngaku aku bkn jenis yg pndai jga ati and perasaan org.. Aishhhh... Aku pon dah x atw laa nk cover dri aku.. Asyik2 t'lpas ckp.. Kdng2 t'lpas mcm2... Smpai xsdaq lak yg aku dah mnyakiti kan ati org lain.. Anyway, kalo org2 yg tlah aku sakiti tu t'baca,aku nk mtak maaf lah... Aku mnusia besa yg slalu ja wat silap.. Aku cuba lgi lah snyap ja.. Harap2 aku b'jaya la noh? Aminnnnnnnnn.......

Lupa plak nk introduce my fren yg kat ats tuh.. Namanya Nur Aqilah Bt Othman... Heee.... Sya cuma maw express my feeling jgak kat kamu..

Kamu ada waktu sya nk kamu ada.. Kamu jgak thu siapa sya tnpa sya perlu ckp siapa sya.. Kamu jgak thu apa yg t'jdik dlam idup sya tnpa perlu sya crita apa2.. (sbb awak stalker t'baik kn? kn? :p) Sya thu kamu pasti bca entri ni kn? Msti kamu snyum sorang2 lg ni kn? Then lpas bca entri ni,kamu mesti post kat wall sya sumtink kn? Hahahahha....

Awak.. Sya nk awk taw,sya dah byk keciwa dgn suma jenis kwan2 yg sya ada b4 dis.. Sama ada msa sya x rpat lgi dgn awak mhupon smasa kta sdng rapat ni.. Apa yg sya nk awak tahu,sya hrap awk xkan tgal kn sya mcm apa yg terjadi.. Sya thu awk akn ckp, "It's impossible my dear.." Tp pecaya lah bila kta asa suma itu purrrrfectttt,akan ada sumtink yg akn mnunjuk kn pada kta.. Kita bkn sesempurna Nya dear..

Awak,sdah ckup apa yg awak beri kn pda sya hngga sya rasa sgt segan nk mntak lgi pda awak.. Awk beri sya nikmat mempunyai sorang kakak ktika sya perlukan sorang kakak.. Awak thu sya xdak kakak pon kn? Abg lgi lah sya xdak kn? Awak.. Sya taw la cm na nk bgi awk taw yg sya sgt2 mnghargai awak.. Begitu, teramat.. Sya tkot persahabatan ini xlama.. Xbaik kn sya ckp mcm ni? Tp kta xtaw apa nk jdik msa dpan.. Ni yg buat sya tkot..

Allah ada dgn Hamba Nya kn? jdi kta xperlu tkot.. Awak,ingat lah 1 perkara.. Andai kta kta sahabat di bumi Allah ni x lma.. Awak kna ingat 1 bnda ja.. SAYA SYG AWAK SGT! Jdi,kalo apa2 sja yg mnyebabkn awak rsa benci atau annoyed pasai sya,ingat lah SAYA SYG AWAK SGT!

Saya x hrap kn awak syg sya blik mc mna sya syg awak.. Tp ckop lah awak jdi apa yg awak jdi pda ari ni buatsya.. Sya xmampu nk bwak awk p mkn angen la ni.. Sya pon tgah sesak maw idup.. Awak sbaq sat jaa.. Nanti sya dah keja,sya bwak awk p mkn angen.. ok? Heee... Tba2 nk bwak p mkn angen plak dah.. Xdak kna mngena lgsong..

Sya taw awak akn ckp,"Aisssshhhh? bdak ni x stdy kah?? Dah nk peksa ni.. Asyik dgn ORKED dia sja?? Nk kna ni.." Baik lah awak.. Sya stop tkat ni sja.. Sya p la stdy la ni.. Hhahahahha... Babai..! Miss You! Love You! x0x0x0x0x0

P/S: Aku akn tulis lgi pasai sahabat2... Tguuu..... :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Transportation does means a lot in my life actually. I realises it very clearly when I entered Uitm Shah Alam about a year ago. It is because our Transcilt Society President told us something. Gold in gold mines would be not nothing worth around the area. However, it will be highly demanded and will be very expensive if it is using transportation as its medium to bring it anywhere to the customers. Another example given by him is that a bottle of mineral water in Malaysia would mean nothing compared to somewhere in the dessert. A bottle of mineral water in the dessert would cost more expensive than gold in gold mines area. What he said in that meeting with my classmates in the first meeting in Uitm is someting that I would remember forever.

Another thing that I would like to share here is that transportation is really important in my life. My family is not a rich like Noor Afffendi Amir’s family. My family used to moved around with taxi, and buses which is the public transportation. As I grew up, the public transportation is really important to me and my family because we use it to moved around.

In nowdays metropolitan world there must be a family at least own a car. However my family did not own any. Yes! None! It is something that unbelieveable in a humans logics now. My dad want us to have a car at least actually. But he is working very hard in make sure that our family have a house first. Unfortunely,he died before he can fulfil it so.

My Dad use to asked my little sister to buy him or our family a car and me as the eldest to buy a big house. It make me sad because we,his daughter cannot give him a ride soon. The only private transport that my dad own is a motorcycle. My dad used it to send me and take me to hostel, send my sisters to school, he ride it to work, and buy fish for my mom everyday. Even my little sisters used to be taken by my dad with that motorcycle to many places that they wish to go.

When I got my offer to studied in Uitm last year, my dad and I just take express buses from Alor Star, Kedah to Shah Alam. Unbelieveable right? I carried my big luggage with my lovely dad. It is a big moment for us, for me, and for my family.

When I back home to Alor Star during semester break, my dad will fetch me up at the Shahab Perdana Terminal. I still remember during Hari Raya last year. I thought of suprising my family by not telling when that I will going back for Hari Raya break. However, my dad keep asking and I then tell him. He keep pushing me up at what time do I arrive at the terminal? I thought I did not want to make my dad to wake up very early in the morning just to pick me up. However he insisted to fetch me in the terminal. With his lovely motorcycle.

As I come here in Uitm Shah Alam, I found that transportation is always not being supplied effiently to the students. There is a lot of problems about transportation n Uitm Shah Alam. There is not enough of parking lot for motorcycles and cars. The traffic always facing a congestion. There is some steps taken by the administration to overcome this problems. For example students have to park their cars at the Padang Kawad and take the Uitm buses to their faculty. This is to make sure students did not park their cars at the faculty which have limited spaces of parking lot.

When I was staying at Collage Mawar in semester 1, me and my friends try to cut the budget with changing our transportation from Rapid KL to Uitm buses. As Rapid KL did not apply a taicket for the whole day anymore we decided to take Uitm buses which is for free to faculty. We have to walk from Mawar to Padang Kawad as the terminal. At that time we can really save quite a lot.

Semester 2, I did not get my collage pffer, so I have to stayed at rent houses. My transportation really badat that time. I spend a lot for transportation. I have to take Rapid KL if there is no Uitm buses. What me and my friends feels unsatisfied is that we always have to wait for the Uitm buses for sometime can reach an hour or more. Sometime it does come early.

What make me feel so angry is that there is a lot of Uitm buses in the parking lot of Jabatan Pengangkutan. However,the buses did not been used to take the students around. I did not know what is the problem. Is it because of there is no fuel to make the buses move? Or the buses are breakdown or there is no driver to move the buses? I really do not understand with what they are facing through all this years.

At first I might think that Uitm buses might been prepared for other occasion such as any trip outside Uitm. However,this really pissed me off when our trip to A Journey to Excellent at Bagan Lalang we just got a school buses which is very smelly, with no air-cond and even so old.

We already told about the inconvenient to the committee. They said it is beyond their control. It is something happened in the their system I think,Uitm buses. Anyway, it is hard for me to just complaining without knowing the real situation happening. They must have solid reasons for that.

As in semester 3, I stayed back in hostel. In Delima 3. It is not convebient for me to take buses to faculty. As I have to take the buses at Perindu’s bus stop,it is better for me to walk all the way from Delima 3 to faculty. There are all of the Delima 3 business students used to walk to class.

However, it is so tiring as we have to walk with the bumping roads. I feels like doing a mountain climbing everyday going to the class. There is no proper planof public transport for the Uitm students to move to the class. It should been settled out by the University administration.

For me it is a serious matter as it will influent the students prestation in class and concerning their grades. It is just a little problems that I occurs in my way to class. There are still a lot of other students face in their life as a students.

I hope someday Uitm buses will increased their quality of services, same to the Rapid KL. This is a serious matter. The traffic congestion might going slow down if the students use public transport. How to make them use it? It is of course by improving the quality services of public treansport in Uitm Shah Alam.

This entry are part of my assignment actually.. Transport (TPT) do haf a very importantto in our life actually.. G mana pon nk pkai TPT.. Nk idup sume pkai TPT.. Cuba la pkiq tguk,kalo kta xdak TPT.. Bleyh ka kta bina KLCC? Bleyh ka kta mkn nasik kalo xdak TPT yg bwak beras tu smpai kat kta? Kalo xdak TPT, bleyh ka Bapak hng pa bwak hng pa p spital time nk deliver hng pa dulu? Tentu x kn?? kn?

Aku cuma nk smpai kn secara lbeyh lnjut kat sini.. TPT is so important,so sbb tu aku dipilih utok bwak course ni.. Aku sgt bgga.. My fwen yg last sem dip nk apply course TPT taw,mcm aku.. Coz dia ckp, lectrer dia ckp ini course byk peluang nya masa akan dtg! That's all for now actually.. Nantiaku akn cta lgi sal TPT ni to all okih?? Daa~ nk belek2 past sem skit,then tidoq.. Esk sya nk mangkit awai.. P stdy dgn bdak SUBANG JAYA! Dan jgak bdak Melakau! Dan jgak bdak Kelate! :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Loving you the way I do
i only wanna live with you
And I would go to the ends of the earth
'Cause, darling, to me that's what you're worth
Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead
If you're out on the road
Feeling lonely and so cold
All you have to do is call my name
And I'll be there on the next train
Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead
I always wanted a real home with flowers on the window sill
But if you want to live in New York City, honey, you know I will
I never thought I could get satisfaction, from just one man
But if anyone keeps me happy, you´re the one who can
And where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow, oh
Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead

P/S: I'm the biggest fans of Gilmore Girls since 1st season!!!


Aku mencintaimu~ Umpama ombak mamukul pantai.. Aku teros mencintaimu wlau kau xpernah skali pon terlintas aku mencintai mu.. Aku sejuk hati memeandang mu.. Aku mah kembali sejuk krana memandang mu.. Pertama kali aku memandang mu, hati aku terus berkata2 kau adlah yg aku cri slama ini.. Aku npak ciri yg aku idam kn dlam drimu.. Aku terus mencintai mu slaps itu.. Aku juga masih mencintaimu hingga ke saat ini.. Aku masih sejuk memandang mu hingga ke saat ini.. Aku masih percaya kau boleh menjadi seorang suami yg baik~

Aku mencintaimu~ Wlau tidak pernah aku luah kan nya pada mu.. Aku merindui mu walau kau tidak pernah sedar akna kewujudan diri ku.. Aku menyayangi mu ibarat bulan ombak rindu daratan.. Aku mendoakan kebahagiaan mu walau pon kau tidak pernah berharap yg terbaik utok dri ku..

Aku mencintaimu~ Aku mendoakan kebahagiaan mu walau dgn siapa jodoh mu.. Aku tersenyum utok bahagia melihat senyuman yg manis di bibir mu.. Aku bangga bila kau berjaya dlm semua usaha mu.. Aku sentiasa disini utok menyambutmu sekiranya kau terjatoh.. Wlau pon tiada yg akan mnyambutku saat aku jatoh.. Aku disini sedia utok mengubati mu jika kau terluka.. Tp sekiranya kau tepis tangan ku, aku undur dri jauh dari mu..

Aku mencintaimu~ Seumpama nya tiada cinta lain seagung cintaku buat mu.. Pernah kah kau memikirkan nafas ini utok melihat kau senyum bahagia? Aku mencintaimu tanpa syarat.. Tanpa balasan.. Aku mencintaimu~

Aku mencintaimu~ Tersenyum dlam kepedihan melihat kau berpegangan dan mendampingi nya.. Aku mencintaimu wlau kau membenci ku sebencinya.. Aku mencintaimu wlau kau jijik memandangku umpama anjing yg tiada slah nya.. Aku mencintaimu wlau aku dikatakan buta mencintaimu.. Aku ingin mengungkap kn yg AKU MENCINTAIMU pdamu... Aku ingin melafazkan nya.. Andai ini yg terakhir kali aku memandang wajahmu.. Aku mencintaimu dgn setiap jujuran airmata ku buat mu.. Aku mencintaimu.. sgt2..

peace no war babe! ILY! like no one can love u like I do! :)

Monday, October 11, 2010


TPT 535

TPT 422

MGT 533


TPT 534



Lately I'm quite buzy with my life.. There's lot's of assignment dat haf to be submitted, there's lot of test and all.. Alhamdulllillah,Zapin pnya klas dah settle.. Thanx to my lovely grup eva, Citra Kembang Emas for being such a gud dancer.. Cm xcya plak dpt nari sehebat itu gals! Hahahahha....

Ada la byk bnda nk kna settle dis week.. So tiring lah.. Anyway,ada yg test 1 haram pon xbuat2 ag... I dun understand wat is da probs here.. But I'm sure SHE must haf a very gud reasons for dat coz if not, SHE haf to answer in front of ALLAH on THE JUDGEMENT DAY.. Lots of things SHE will have to answer soon.. heh!

Tonite Istill haf another koko.. Dis is da last koko for us and for me and my zapin mates.. Dis is very cool actually.. Ya,nobody expected I can dance like dat~

Anyway will miss U guys soon.. I'll be da busiest person on earth till sem break.. Will update dis lovely blog soon if had time.. Untill then, GUD LUCK IN UR FINAL GUYS! :))
Aniey Ghanie with lub2!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Because You Love Me~

This song remember me of my Ayah~

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

I'm everything I am
Because you love me


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stupid dream~

Adif sgt heppy and bahagia gila Opie tguk dgn Ika.. And Opie tguk ja dri jauh dan bru sdaq dia syg Adif more than a fren.. Ouh~ Keciwa seyh Opie saat ini.. Lgi keciwa bila fwenship dia ngan Adif makin jauh jaraknya dri hri ke hari.. Tiada lgi gurauan dri Adif buat Opie.. Dan Opie makin jauh kn dri krna bimbang akn mnyemak kn idup Adif disamping Ika..


Opie miss Adif.. Mis his evil laugh~ Miss his jokes~ Miss everything bout ADIF!!!

Shhhhhh.... Shhhhhh....

I'm tired of all dis.. So,pliss stop it.. As far as I concern,I've forgive U long time ago... It juz I'm too sad to face you.. Miss the moment~

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Setia Sejauh Mana kamu?

Adakah korang setia? Ya?? Betol ka?? Cm ne leyh yakin giler ni? Hah? Anyway let me ask U sumtink 1st ya? Korang kalo bca novel cinta (Pompuan la slalunya) slalu byg kn korang adalah watak utama dlam novel x? Means jdik hero @ heroin? SELALU? Means ini adlah curang kecil.. Korang bygkn psgn korang adlah watak lain.. Dan korang dlam kesah centa yg lain~ Then sama la kalo tguk muvie centa.. Cntoh tguk Lagenda Budak Setan.. Mesti byg kn watak2 hero,heroin.. Tak pon pling cikai Katerina..

Aku bkn la pndai sgt.. Tp aku ada analisis aku sdri adn pemerhati jgak.. Aku pnya pendapat aku sdri.. Ni antaranya.. Ada yg di cedok dri org lain.. Ada yg di dgar dri kwan2.. Ada jgak dtg dri aku sdri.. Kalo centa jrak jauh ni lgi la msalah curang ni tggi.. huh...!

Aku asa kalo laki curang adlah biasa.. Tp aku cukop BENCI bila dgar kes pompuan yg curang.. Ni mcm bengong gila.. Buat busuk nama pompuan meh...! Aku asa la kn,si pompuan and laki ni kalo dah b'janji setia kapel la ape jadah sume..jgn lah nk kuar b'dua ngan jantina bkn muhrim yg lain.. Xelok la.. Kalo rmai2 xpe.. Tp kalo b'dua ja,cam xmanis.. Then aku pon asa gak kalo dah asa cm kawan ja tu,keep going b a friend la.. Jgn lah smpai aku asa kcian lak kat psgn die yg xthu pape..

Hiiiiii... Cam pndai lak aku? Xde.. Ni yg aku asa ja.. Kalo nk amik,amik lah.. Kalo xbuleyh trima,soweyh laa..
P/S:Aku asa la kn,kalo anggap kwan aja xpayah la nk compare Ur boyfie with HIM.. Ur boyfie must b sumone very spesel in Ur life.. But HIM is no one rite? Xbaik lah awk buat die cm ni.. Sdeyh aku tguk.. Kalo die tahu lgi la kcian.. Then,xyah la nk jdik cm btol2 psgan smpai majok2..msg2.. hiii... Xmanis jgak kalo Ur Boyfie thu~ Babai...
Peace no war~

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Justin Bieber "Where are you now"


Friday, October 1, 2010



Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song

I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
and so i came to see
and listen for a while

and there he was this younge boy
a stranger to my eyes
Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song

I felt all flushed with fever
Embarrassed by the crowd
I felt he found my letter
and read eachone out loud
I prayed that he would finish
but he just kept right on
Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song

he sang as if he knew me
In all my darkness fair
and then he looked right through me
as if i wasn't there
and he kept on singing
singing clear and strong
Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me softly with his song

ohhhhhhhhhhh oohhhhhhh...lalalal..ohhhh lalaaaaaaa

Struming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
killing me softy with his song
killing me softly with his song
telling my whole life
with his words
killing me (softly)

he was strumming my pain
yeah he was seing my life
killing me softly with his song
killing em softly with his song
telling my whole life with his words
killing me softly with his song


KES 1:
Aku tlg ko kwan.. Aku xmaw mntak blasan apa2.. Tp jgn lah bila aku ajk bkak posa kat McD, "Jum la mkn McD..aku terasa2 McD kat mulot ni.." Dan ko pon jwab, "Tak nak lah"
Ada sorang kawan ckp, "Ko ni x baik taw, Ernie slalu jea ikot ko g mna pon.. Ko nk g mna pon,die ikot jea ko.." Dia pon m'jawab," Eh,aku x pkse die pon!" Aku akur lah.. Aku tlg die ikhlas,tp npak nya die xikhlas nk tlg aku atau ikot aku g b'buka mkn McD.." Jwpan mktamad die adlah TIDAK! So, b'jlan lah aku dgn pnoh keciwa nya.. Tp yg pelik pluss ajaib adlah die lak wat snyap tanak b'ckap mcm aku yg slah.. Aduh.. Kwan pnya pasal,aku ckp cam besa ja.. Buang prasaan sayu xdpt mkn McD..

KES 2:
Aku ajak la die g Jamuan hri rya kat Fak.. Tp die ckp die tanak g.. Die mlas lah,pnat lah.. Die ckp,mmg tanak pegi dah.. So,aku pon g la ngan dak2 lain kn.. Then bila aku dah ada sna,aku npak die pon smpai dgn genk2 die..Siap pkai bju kurong ag taw? Aku dgn BODOH nya pon jerit2 lah pngil nama die.. Bapak kuat xhirau kn yg lain2.. Tp die pndnag jauh jea,tak dtg mkn ngan ktorang pon..

KES 3:
Ni smbungan dri KES2.. Aku teman kn Anne nk mkn sate.. Aku ingt nk teman kn b'atur jea.. Mulanya aku tanak mkn.. Dah knyang mkn nasik suma.. But then aku npak kawan aku ni tgah amik sate, aku mntak lah sate kat die.. Tp die jwb mcm ni,"Eh?! Amik la sdri..!" Aku mmg sdeyh kna tengking kat situ dpan org ramai.. Tp aku gagah kn dri ckp,"Aku nk rase 1 jea.." Then, die wat xtawu jea kat aku.. Pusing blkng hadap kn kat aku.. Ya Allah...! Ampuni lah dosa kwan ku~ Ampuni lah aku krna sdey akn tindakan nya Ya Allah.. Then aku pon g la kat khemah dgn rsa sdey yg amat sgt.. Aku rsa cm nk jea blik..

KES 4:
Aku mcm biasa,xkesah kn apa yg dia wat suma2 ni.. Even ada sgt byk yg aku sbar.. Aku bncng2 nk g suatu tmpat ngan genk2 ni td.. But,keta xckop.. Ada 5 org katanya tp keta ada 1,driver pon 1 jgak.. So,aku pham aku mmg x diperlukan disini.. Aku pelik jgak, mulanya ada sowang ni(genk die gak,si pompuan) dia ckp ngan aku tanak ikot.. Tp she ckp,bdak ni nk ikot.. So,aku assume she tanak aku ikot la kot kn? Jdi,aku x pergi mna2 lah.. Aku ni x pernah jdik org yg pnting pon.. Alih2 aku tguk pic dorang(stalker) pompuan tu mmg xg.. Mlm b4 g tu ada dorang msg,col2.. Tp aku tidow.. Honestly aku tidow.. Sbb aku tension gila2.. Tension krana apa?
Baca KES 5...

KES 5:
Aku dan kawan2 suma g BBQ kat Umah Anan.. Suma g.. Bayor la RM10 sowang.. Then,ktowang xde transport.. So,aku asa aku tanak g.. But then,dak2 ni ade ckp g jea lah.. T mslah lak x g.. Tp ktowang kat Kolej ni xde transport.. So,Fendi la tkang ambik n hntar.. Tgu pnya tgu,Fendi ckp xciden.. Aku cam nk blik tidow jea... Then aku ckp kat Aina,aku tanak dtg sbb ni la.. aku tanak jdik beban pada org.. Org nk dtg ambik aku suma cm ni.. aku x suke kalo org anggap aku beban.. Kalo aku abis kn duit naik taxi aku x kesah.. Then aku ajk naik taxi.. Dorang ikot aku.. Smpai kat sana,aku sdeyh gila ingt kn ape yg dorang dah buat kat aku s;lama ni.. Aku adlah org asing yg xpernah jdik team p'juangan mreka sblom ni.. Aku cuba senyum.. Tp pahit.. Aku cuba b'ckp,tp sumbang.. Aku cuba ketawa tp perit..

Aku mulanya rasa xperlu utok aku msok kn entri ni.. Tp ntah la.. Aku nk die thu ni lah sbb ya aku nanges mlm tu.. Aku nk jgak bgtawu hal ni.. Tp aku tawu aku sorang jea.. Aku xde sesape yg nk defend aku.. Lain lah ko.. Ko ade genk yg kuat.. Dorang mmg akn defend ko pnye.. Aku akn snyap jea kalo suma genk ko b'ckp.. Aku thu,aku ni bkn anak lord.. Aku ni bebanan utok korang.. Sbb tu nk g mne pon aku x susah kn sesape nk ambik aku kat hostel ni.. Aku dmam,aku xlarat nk g PK.. Tp aku xde nk beban kn sesape ambik aku g PK.. Aku tanak beban kn sume.. Tp,tlg lah jga ati aku jgak.. Perlukah tengking aku mcm tu? Perlukah tolak utok b'jln kaki dgn aku bila mko dah ada benefit naik motor ORANG LAIN? Terpulang lah kalo entri semasa ko bce entri ni ko ckp ni sume fitnah atau aku reka crita.. Tp aku xprnah cta kat sesapa apa yg aku rsa sbb aku tkot aku ni paranoid.. Tp bila ada yg dtg kat aku dan ckp die pham mslah aku.. Die dpt ckp ape yg aku rse ktka ni,tu dah ckop byg kn aku mmg ptot rsa mrah dan tawar hati utok baik dgn ko lgi.. Aku perlukn pngakuan,ucapan maaf dri ko.. Tp mustahil.. Biarlah apa nk jdi.. Aku dah tawar ati~