Saturday, April 23, 2011


Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me and then

Spin me around till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved

If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end
How I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again

Ooh, ooh

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way I would run from her to him
He’d make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeah
Then finally make me do just what my mama said

Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he
Would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance
One final step, one final dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end
‘Cause I’d love, love, love to dance with my father

Sometimes I’d listen outside her door
And I’d hear her, mama cryin’ for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

I know I’m prayin’ for much too much
But could You send back the only man she loved
I know You don’t do it usually
But Lord, she’s dyin’ to dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream


Friday, April 8, 2011


Sejak2 gua deactivate akaun FB ni, gua rasa lebih free... Macam kebebasan yg tak dapat nak gua gambar kan.. Gua tak perlu takot nanti apa yg gua buat org salah paham dan sebagai nya.. Anyway,rasa macam baru break up dengan boyfriend and live a single life alone.. :)


But still,ada probs jugak bila dah xdak FB ni.. Untuk sementara nya lah.. Nanti gua active kan balik.. Dia dah jadik macam keperluan.. Why I said so?

FB 1 keperluan,coz my classmates keep posting important news kat FB.. Example "There's no RAIL class this saturday", "Esok suma berkumpul kat Padang Kawad pkol 7 a.m.."

Benda2 macam ni kalo xdak AINA, yg inform gua.. Gua lost bhai.. FB is a necessity nowdays yaw! Ada jugak beberapa info yg gua xdpt bcoz gua xdak FB sejak 2 menjak ni.. Hurmmmm.... As for my personal opinion lah, telling the very important info on FB not professional.. BUT.. It is accepted as dalam dunia skarang ni people suma mustahil xdak FB.. hahahhaha...! So, I would like top considered myself as ORANG ZAMAN PALEOLITIK! :D

Lagi penting nya FB.. Byk isu2 dunia di bincang kan kat situ.. Hebat sebenarnya impak Mark Zuckerberg ni qupa nya.. Boleh dikata kan gua betol2 akan dikutuk bila org tnya FB gua dan gua cakap xdak.. weeee..... :D

Masa mula2 deactive memang impak sangat kuat dalam hidup gua.. Macam pelik lah kan.. FB is my priority when I on my ORKED (my beautiful laptop).. Memang tu benda wajib gua bukak.. Walaupon x update status,kat sini lah tempat gua stalk crush2 gua.. Eh2.. it is more like investigate deeply without come to their knowledge... :) Errr...byk pulak kan crush gua kat FB? Xdak lah byk.. separuh dari friend list ja.. Wahhahahhaha!

Tanpa FB dalam masa 2,3 hari tuh mcm org baru putus cinta.. Kehilangan.. :)

Tp lama2 mesti can live without it kan? Dan gua rasa mcm xmau lagi dah FB... Sbab gua dah ada Twitter,Tumblr,Blog.. :)

TP to be realistic, gua tahu gua perlukan FB to communicate dgn suma org.. Kawan2,classmates,girlfren,boyrensssssss.... Anyway,people keep asked.. "kau block aku ke???"
Gua ye kan jea.. hahhahahah.... "AKU BLOCK SEMUA ORG!"

FB dah jadik keperluan.. Tu kesimpulan nya.. Gua tak perlu kan dia,tp demi kehidupan yg smooth,gua kena ada.. Tu lah.. Macam phone.. Gua malas nak bawak phone ke hulu ke hilir.. Tp nanti kalau ada emergency,org nak contact gua susah pulak kan? The same thing lah function FB dalam hidup gua.. So, I'll active back my FB when my final exam is ended.. :)

P/S: Semua punya opini yg berbeza.. Sila lontar kan opini anda di ruangan komen di bawah.. Feel free to do so.. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011



Saturday, April 2, 2011


Have you guys ever feel paranoid before? I always did! Example bila gua dapat something di luar jangkaan lah.. Everything seems so very perfect.. It make me afraid to really enjoying it.. Gua pathethic kan? Kan? Gua seriously phobia kot.. For specific example,when I got the result ofdoing my Degree at UiTM Shah Alam.. I'm so very afraid that there's a mistake while the management accidently put my name as one of their students.. I imagine that on the day I about to register,they will said that "Your name are not in the system...!"
Fuiiiiih! Memang gua cam bangang kan?

Paranoid or Paranois is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety, or fear, oftento the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threats towards oneself.

Then, when it keep haunting me until I can't perform my duty of life.. I think I should go and find a psychiatrist.. Urghhhhh! Am hardly can be myself now as I'm afraid the prefect moment with my friends being ruined like what happen before.. I always preyed that I can be happily work out doing the best to the person around me and keep believing what I received today is the best I got from Allah..

p/s: My lovely friend,use to give me a song named PARANOID.. Why are you being so paranoid? You worried about the wrong thing,the wrong thing.. Huaaaaarggghhhh!


You are so annoying until everybody used to be close to u ran away when they see u..
When u talk,people assumed u are doing liar..
People pretend to laugh at ur jokes but honestly.. IT IS STUPID! Pretend to be innocent,or are u that stupid?
I hate u.. Even u act to be cool.. Plissss dun! Because it make me hate u more! Urggghhhhhh!

Friday, April 1, 2011



This week really test my ability as a person, as a student.. Huiiii!

Ada interview dgn Noble Star Services Sdn Bhd.. Ada presentation Rail on the same day.. Then malam nya kena buat slide and prepare untuk presentation Urban esok nya.. Wat a life kan? Tp x bleyh blah dan lagi p JJ tguk ...DALAM BOTOL.. Beli 2 lai bju lagi tuh.. :)

Ok.. Tadi pulak p field trip ke NORTH PORT.. Siap naik Quay Crain lagi tau? :) Sangat tinggi menatang tu ok? Gegar lutut mak! Tp it is really priceless journey! :)

Lepas balik dari port Ika,Kila,Lina,Aina ajak g muvie lagik.. :)
Tak plan nak tguk cita apa pon.. Tp last2 tguk cita HOP.. sangat comel ok? :)) WAJIB TGUK!

Ouhhhhhh................... Tiada puisi indah nak ditaip.. Tiada semanis rasa nak gua lontar kan kat sini.. Hanya betapa hancur luluh sakit lebur nya hati gua saja tinggal kot?

Itu mungkin sebab nya gua deactivate akaun FB gua.. Bukan lah gua sakit hati dengan mana2 species friend list dalam akaun FB gua tuh.. Tp FB bagi gua buat masa ni tak relevan as it make me feel misery.. Tak kena gaya plak tu kan?

Ya! Gua penah teriak sehari suntuk sebab FB punya salah.. FB yang buat gua sedih.. Bukan freind list gua... Gua memang tak pandai sosial.. Gua hanya lah katak bawah tempurung.. Maaf!
Bila gua berkata2 tak seindah orang lain.. Gua buat lawak tak lawak macam org hanya lah bahan sentapan org yg mendengar kan nya.. Maaf! Gua mohon maaf!

Gua rasa biar lah gua undur diri dari sistem sosial terpopular di MALAYSIA buat masa ini.. Gua akan active balik nanti.. Bila tiba masa nya,dua hati menjadi satu.. Hahahha!

Still I love my friend kat FB even depa tak tau habuk jadah apa pon.. Damn! Missing all of them.. But...I'm not belong there.. Not at this particular time.. Fuiiiihhh!

p/s: Bila aku berkata bagai disapu ribut.. Tanpa orang sedar kehadiran kata2 aku.. Ia sudah pon hilang ditelan ribut.. Bila orang berkata2 dengan aku, aku balas dengan bahasa yang bisu.. Maaf.. Aku bukan ramah berkata seperti dia.. :(