Saturday, April 2, 2011


Have you guys ever feel paranoid before? I always did! Example bila gua dapat something di luar jangkaan lah.. Everything seems so very perfect.. It make me afraid to really enjoying it.. Gua pathethic kan? Kan? Gua seriously phobia kot.. For specific example,when I got the result ofdoing my Degree at UiTM Shah Alam.. I'm so very afraid that there's a mistake while the management accidently put my name as one of their students.. I imagine that on the day I about to register,they will said that "Your name are not in the system...!"
Fuiiiiih! Memang gua cam bangang kan?

Paranoid or Paranois is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety, or fear, oftento the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threats towards oneself.

Then, when it keep haunting me until I can't perform my duty of life.. I think I should go and find a psychiatrist.. Urghhhhh! Am hardly can be myself now as I'm afraid the prefect moment with my friends being ruined like what happen before.. I always preyed that I can be happily work out doing the best to the person around me and keep believing what I received today is the best I got from Allah..

p/s: My lovely friend,use to give me a song named PARANOID.. Why are you being so paranoid? You worried about the wrong thing,the wrong thing.. Huaaaaarggghhhh!